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Pornpoj Juljaroendun
29/9/2563 08.00น.《bk.th》


tgb6yhn4rfv Pe+ople with high ,blood c.holest*erol often develop -cor.onary heart* disease.* Take care +of your+ blood! Asthma re'lievers 'should be us*ed only whe_n the- symptoms o'ccur, or as in-structed by_ you+r docto.r. Asthma symptoms. vary rang-ing fro+m mi-ld episodes* of breathles'sness to, persistent wh,eezing. In fa*ct,. many times peop*le deve.lop allergies .to loca+l pollens a_ coup'le of ye-ars after they re-.lo-cate. Nowadays +pain can b-e controlled ,and' stopped easily! J+us,t choose t+he painkiller-s reasonab*ly! Your -normal s_exual performanc_e and activi.ty ca_n be restor,ed quic_kly and easily,! You nee_d one pi+ll! Food allerg.y _are very rar,e but you s*hould be ready _to cont_rol any typ-e of alle.rgy in your k'ids! Asthm'a attack_s are usua,lly tempo.rary and c_an be eased wi-th. medication, yet, ,there i,s no cure'. Replacing* just 1 incan'desce*nt bulb 'with an energ.y savi,ng bulb redu.ces air em*issions up to 1-20+ kg. High doses of, alcoho_l van affec,t yo,ur ability t_o have se'x with you-r partner. T.ry to be reason-able. Ch,olester+ol itself is not* a disaste,r.' The problem i's in peo_ple who can -not con.trol its dail.y intake'. Never' take an antibi*otic that' hasn b-een prescrib.ed for ano.ther person.+ Many people d'ied t.his way. Dep'ending on it_s age,* your mattress 'may house _betwe*en one million ,and ten m_illion- dust mites. *If ,you are ready to m*ak_e certain cha*nges in your* lifestyl+e to lose wei+ght you are +likel_y to succ*eed. For a larg'e number- of pe+ople around th,e world ,happy li-fe means simply l_ife w*ithout any pain.! Do.es the dura-tion of your s'ex de*pend on the ,length of- your peni+s? Let's find* it out! For, -kids who are ov,erweight *weight managem_ent is th+e pri,mary treatmen-t for chole,ster.ol. Man, severe o_besity -can be conqu*ered with_ some -less dramatic mea-sures. than wei+ght-loss surg,ery! Th.e risk of anti-bioti*c associated di*arrhea r-ises wit*h how often+ and how long t'he' drug is ta+ken. Children ex+posed t,o high lev.els of. traffic poll,ution have six' times th_e risk of d'evelopi+ng wheezing.. How t'o take antibio*tics safel,y and, effectiv_ely? My doctor has *reve.aled some .secrets only f,or me! Reme-mber, short*ened 'course of ,antibioti+cs often' wipes out onl_y the m-ost vulner*able bact,eria. You wan+t to know 'whether the im_potence med-i,cation I take' works? Ask m*y wife, s+he'll tel.l! Scottish sc'ienti.st, Alexand'er Fleming', discovered* the first. antibio-tic, penicill*in, in 1928.* Ther'e's no person i_n- the world who's 1+00 %+ protected from 'depress*ion! I-t can start* all of a su,dden! Toda*y when obe.sity is on t.he ris,e throughout the 'worl_d you sh.ould be attenti_ve to what yo'u e.at. Exposure to c_ig+arette smoke and o,ther pollu,tants- is a str'ong indica_tor of incr*eased ,allergy risk. Wh_at is p,rescription p_aink+iller addic-tion? How can you_ tel*l someone is* suffering fro+m it? Com.mon asthma t+riggers- inc,lude: allergens, in'cluding- microsc-opic dust mit_es p.resent in hou,se dus_t. Contemporar_y environmen,t s -so polluted, +that allergies+ ar'e observed_ more and more ,often. It'*s not cle.ar if overusin_g Al*buterol increas,es the risk. of .a fatal attac-k, but you-'d better not. ab.use it. In fact, m+os-t of those_ people w'ho die from asth,ma-relate_d causes. are tho,se aged 65 and old*er. I used, -to have great' sex during* all nig,ht long! Impotenc-e was com_plete surp'rise &_ disaster for- me. If you-r asthma s.ymptoms b+ecome mor*e seve're, you will no.t be able t'o pe-rform your regu,lar 'activitie-s. I am tire'd of trying t.o fin,d the righ_t words to d*escribe m.y pain. I have d,one it f-or hundred t_imes-! Moving to' anothe*r location is' no gua*rantee of re_lief for allerg*y suffere_rs. Don't ,hurr+y to move. For' a large numbe_r of pe*ople ar.ound the w.orld happy lif_e me'ans simply life- without any -pain! No m_atte'r how deep i's the economic' crisis, 'your ma,sculine 'power and -health requ.ire attention!!,! Asthma i_s a diseas'e w*hich affects .the bronc'hi, or a.irways, car'rying air in a-nd out of the+ lung,s. In the ,United S+tates, more th_an twe'nty two mil'lion people ar.e know.n to have a_sthma. H'appiness. for me mea_ns my fam.ily, health & l.ove! _Funny, but all ,this depends o_n my- sexual health'. In a'ddition to noi'sy and ra_pid -breathing, asthma. in kids ,can cause f+requ_ent coughin*g spells. Over ti*me arthri*tis 'can hinder mov_ement of ,the effected +joi*nt. It may bec.ome re,ally painful, m'an! Your bloo.d c-holesterol le+vel has a +lot to do w,ith your c'hances of g_etting he+art dise*ase... mor,e Antibiotics a,re som*e of .the most popul'ar and wi,dely used +medications _all ove-r the world,! Drugs have k-ill,ed human beings fo,r a .long time,, now the painkil,lers have* ta*ken that bad _role. We ,all know how pric-ele.ss timely pa_in reli.ef can be.- So don't giv_e up on findin-g your solu.tion.! The good n.ews is that f-or m+ost kids w,ith asthma, +it can be we-ll cont,rolled. Even fl_are-ups can+ be, rare. Ther_e appears to* be a l-ink wit-h much time watch,ing' television and de-pression.* Think, about it! How *long have' you be_en living w.ith erectil_e dysfunc*tion i.n your mind'? Time to f+orget! Obesi'ty causes si.gnificant .health prob_lems. B'ut you aren'+t in d*anger if your, eating, mode is he,althy! Asia_ns on average -ha+ve an LDL chol-esterol le.vel of les_s than 95 beca'use of +their low ,fat diet.+ Pain 'relief m_edications often do+ not ju+stify our h,opes. T.his is th-e time to try so'meth*ing in a'ddition. Hip' joints, kn.ees, wrists a-nd ankl-es are +the most -likely to get art-hritis. -Learn h,ow to hel,p yourself! Stom_ach. upset, nau+sea, and diarrhe,a are ,the most comm'on side, effects' of antib,iotic trea,tment. Commo.n asthma, triggers include:_ ca+rpets, and pi-llows; animal ,da*nder and saliva; 'pollens a_nd gra.sses. Stay *away from m+ovement_s that need forc_e if you fee_l acute* pain in *your j*oints. Yo,u need help!. Research* has shown -that almost al-l va'rieties of, disease can be -produ+ced by defici_ency of+ vitamins. I have _a _low tolerance for- pain but+ ha-ve a weak stomach_ so *I can't take any'thing too s.trong.. Awful!. Children who a-re bor_n with a slightl*y ,bigger birth rate _have a sli'ghtly hig+her chance_ of ,asthma. Obesit,y is caused, both by ge*nes & li.festyle habi_ts. Y_our family hi-story mat*ters, just -like your foo*d! No*w when peop+le don't s_top talking a-bout human. growt'h hormone,* many start' wondering if i't's safe. 'This ,simple a-llergy check ,list is f-or you to, make sure that, y+ou're out of dan*ger! 'Hurry up! Asthm+a in 'densely pop'ulated c+ities often are .more- severe that the ,same diseas'e in 'the country'. Cholester-ol mean*s broken life 'for thousand_s people al+l over the. world. B*ut they* keep on m*oving Yo+ung girls who st.a_re at models from m*aga+zines feel the,mselves _defective and -eat _too much the+n. If you have +a 'family history o'f heart di-sea'se you need' to make bigger ch.anges to ,lowe-r cholest-erol. My life+style is not+ healt'hy enough but +I am -sure, I'm far +from the risk* of o*besity. Everyth'ing is fin-e. 'Cut back on ,foods with+ lots of, fat such as fatty, meats, fr_ied fo+ods, l.ard, margarine- and o-ils. I've ju+st been diagnos'ed with *juvenile rheu+matoi'd arthritis & t,he' pain is eithe-r severe or v'ery stro,ng. Sho*wer after +going outdoors- because ai,rborne p-ollen wi,ll stic-k to your c'lothing, shoes &. skin. This+ medic'ation represe+nt the +new generation- of ere*ctile dy,sfunction. treatme-nt! Buy at ha'lf price! An a,ttempt _to commit a su*ic_ide is estim'ated to be made. onc'e every _minute. Stop depr*ession-! There ar_e many factors. tha_t can con-tribute to wha*t is r,eferred to as c'linical d-epressio+n, e.g… You sho*ul+d control you diet' t+oday. Or tom*orrow it wi,ll include cho-les.terol lowering drug's. The goo,d thing. is tha.t there a,re a lot +of different pain +treatme'nts me-dications that -can hel+p you! *Your penis ,size and thick.ness c.an be improv_ed wit-h the help, of this brand new_ Asian m*edicatio-n! Remember, *reducing th*e +amount of fat in yo-ur d_iet helps lower 'your bloo_d chol_esterol le_vel. How_ does chol.esterol ,cause hear*t disease? *Learn everything ,about- your risk of ,heart attac'k. How_ much time ,have you' been taking H'GH sup.plements?. Are you awa_re of side eff-ects of the, drug+? Did you k_now the amaz'ing fact' that differe.nt types' of ant*ibiotics +treat di.fferent kin-ds of infect'ion. If +you ignore spor_t and eat unh_eal.thy food *get ready – erec-til_e dysfunction can, knoc.k on the -door! Vitami+n K play's an impo-rtant role in ,blood clott,ing & bone- mass in pos_tme,nopausal women. -Antibiotic_s treat 'bacterial infe+ctions on'ly.- Even most powerfu-l antibio,tics won't. cure y,our vi_ruses. I was just' thinking *about my _pain today. .It de-vastates my ner'vous syst_em, can't st_and it an+ymore! On.e of the be.st ways, to tackle a -potential .ch+olesterol ,problem is to_ be aware of t-he illness+ myths., Always remembe.r about, the. danger th.at high choles,terol impli*es. Mon*itor your b*lood choleste'rol! The sub,stance o,r situation* that c'auses your brea,thi,ng tubes to becom+e +irritated i,s asthma trig+ger. Get'ting slimmer h'as become. the onl_y goal in the l-ife o-f my daughter -and I am r*eady to- help +her in it! No,rmal l_evel of se,xual activity can +be achieve*d with the _help of su,rge'ry, but it is no-t th*e way out. Lis-ten to thos,e people who. li've with chole'sterol. -Their stories c_an help you* +prevent the disea,se! The 'lesser known ,ef.fects of obesity_ may 'include P-arkinson's .disease, a neurol_ogical, disord-er. On the inter-net *I found a mag,ic ant.ibiotic but my doct+or 'has never' heard about t'hat. S_trange, huh,. I'm on strong -painkille+rs, but thei-r *effect vani.shes day af.ter day. I nee'd a more, effective dr'ug+! Now! What is -your r,isk of developi,ng heart dis,ease or ,having' a heart attac'k due to. cholest-erol? Actually i-t's quite n+ormal+ for m'en after 4-0 to have ultim_ate c-ontrol over, their sexual _performance. ,High sexu,al acti'vity is availab.le 24/7-! Che,ck out by tak_ing one li+ttle pil,l – it will cha*nge -your life! If y.ou're wor-ried ab_out the c-holesterol leve,l ask yo.ur doctor to .screen your .blo'od to get ,answers.' Impotence +should hav'e never occurred .in your 'bedroom'. Learn w-hat to do if it d*id, occur. Vascul-ar disease, di,abetes, h_yper+tension often +cause e_rectile dysfunc*tion & d.isorders in m'en. Th.ere are '13 essential vit+ami*ns and each one h+as a s-pecial role to, play 'within the bo'dy. Ta.ke care! Ob'esity often' causes p.eople-'s deaths. But eve+n +more often it ca,uses chron_ic depressio_n & a+nger. Almost_ 38 million -mo_re have ex*tremely high _levels of ch+olesterol – ,above *240 mg/dL.. Think!+ Growth hormon.e stimulates 'growth, ce.ll *reproductio'n and regeneratio+n in human,s and othe.r animal,s. Smoki*ng provo+kes asthma. Rea*d more and- protec+t your lun.gs from further* irritati+on a-nd inflammation.. Most r-esearchers be+liev*e that differen.t patte.rns of _asthma are 'all related to +one co.ndition.. Learn what in,creases- your cha,nces of having d-epression. ,Th_is information, may s*ave your life-. This me,dication is for t_ho*se men wh-o know the t'rue value of .good sex and, steady ere-cti,on! Man, seve*re obesity+ can be c+onquered with -som*e less dram,atic measure+s than w*eight-loss *surgery! L+ooking for ,some asthma h_elp? You'l-l find plent'y of ,priceless info_rma_tion here! Co-ntrol ast.hma now! Ph+armacists o-f the world h.ave united t.heir +efforts i*n searc-h for a qualit'y new gener.ation antib_iotic. Asthm*a affe.cts mo-re and more people .eve'ry year. Do you k+now _how to ac+t iŕ you face+ it? This me+dication was' meant+ to bring 'harmony and 'heal,th into your s*exual li+fe! Try' it out now! Ant'ibiotic's generally a.re safe,_ provided yo_u use -them properly an_d follow t+he i+nstructions.. Do you -want to fi.nd out how t-o drive your+ pain a'way? Actuall_y it''s pretty easy, j-ust ,one pill! Ph_antom lim*b pain can* not be stoppe,d with pin k,illing med_ications., It .is your brai+n that needs hel.p! Your bra.in- is responsib_le for a'll your feeling.s. And t'hat chronic .pain is not .an excepti*on, seriou+sly! L,earn mo,re about this moo.d diso+rder, in*cluding dep+ression cause*s, risk fa-ctors, and +prevent*ion. ,Discover ways to p'rotect you. and yo-ur fam+ily from sufferin*g wi+th depression sy-mptoms now._ Do you k_now ho+w to maint+ain normal ere'ctio'n? It will+ take me less th.an one m.oment to t'each y'ou! No matter how. deep and' prolon'ged your depr.essive c-onditio,n is, this mix'ture will s+to_p it forever! T_his medic*ation represe-nt the new g_ene.ration of ere-ctile dys-function tre,atment!, Buy at- half price! Do- you know how* to maintai+n -normal erection? ,It will+ take +me less than one .momen-t to teach you!* It's vital-ly 'important .to treat asthma +symp_toms when you f.irst notic_e them. Take' good care*! W+hen you were a ch,ild, y-ou pr+obably hea'rd your paren_ts say, "D-on't forget t.o take you.r vit.amin!" What+ makes you wheez,e -or cough? -What is more _important i-s how to st.op an asthm+a att.ack! Maint,aining suffici,ent vit_amin D level-s may ,help decrease the +risk of .sever,al autoimmune di+seases. W,e have al.l the most, commonly us-ed over--the-co*unter, non--narcotic anal-gesics.* Buy at ha*lf price! I+t is rar.e for a person wi*th asth'ma to have no. allerg+y problems li'ke hay .fever,- or food all'ergies. If y_ou're a bit pl+um.p or are .not fond of s.ports no need to. worry, es.pecially +to overeat ,the, emotions. Antib-ioti,cs are comm_only prescribed 'for r-espiratory i*nfections, bu,t they ar+e cause'd by viru.ses. My pain st.ar*ted long ago. I_t "went away'" *with a cort.isone inject_ion but .came back _a few years ago. -De.pression has affe,cted 'millions .of people ,all over_ the world and ,it's march go+es .on. Watch out! Du-st .mite alle'rgen is th-e number 1 cause' of ,perennial all'ergic rhiniti.s. Make s_ure y,ou are in saf.ety. Re*member that ,excessive and i-nappropr,iate anti,biotic -use can le-ad to antib*iotic res,istance. If. your mattress* is m'ore than 1.0 years ol*d, you sho,uld repl.ace it with a, hypoall-ergenic mat*tress. The amount, of t+otal f.at a child consu,mes s*hould be 30%+ or less of d'aily total ,food c*alories. _People inv_ented the 1st. antibiotic ac,ciden-tally. Dis'covered' it in a m,old cultur'e & called i-t penicil-lin. Obe+sity puts a 'person at incr,eased *risk for deve_lopin,g osteoart.hritis and_ high blood press,ure. Studies- show boys- are li'kely to ha've positive a*llergy t*ests & mor-e b-ronchial hyper r_esponsiv_eness. S'evere allergens r.equire s,evere meas*ures!_ We offe-r you to try our i*nnovativ*e alle,rgy treatment. H_ow* long it takes to .get asthma -unde+r control +depends _on a child's ,age and ,the severity_ of sympto*ms. Every w*oman dream+s of a p'assionate' and tender ma,n, and there'+s n'othing abo+ut impot.ence. Being overwe'ight m-eans hi,gh risk fo'r developing .cardiovascular. disease+. It's very *unpleasa_nt. There is- a _wide list of her,editary fac-tors -that determine. your. health. Is y'our allerg.y gene+tic? Erectile _dysfunction wr,ecked my _self-as*surance and 'confidenc_e, but+ this drug +brought all ba+ck! I he'ard that brand--new anti-bi*otic is sold at h.alf+ price in some o_f the mos-t pop,ular pharmacie+s. If your- ancestors -provided -you with f.ree ten.dency to -obesity, you shoul*d thi'nk about 'this drugs. A f_ema_le dust mi*te lays about 1+00 eggs d_uring its short' life. Man,y people _are aller-gic_ to the pell'ets. D'you kno'w, tra*ffic fumes are re-sponsible +for mo're than 25,000-0 new cas'es of chron_i.c bronchitis. ,eprex Protopic* Ointme.nt [protopic.ointment] (ta_crolimus) pan*del 'GERD Ov-ral G (Norges.trel, Ethiny-loestradiol') Levitr_a Jelly .— Erecti-le Dysfunction,_ Erection_ Frontier (Fr,ontli,ne) 22-44 lbs (+fron+tline, fipronil,) diz.ziness Motrin- (Ibuprofen,, Advil, An+adin ,Ibuprofen, Ar*throfe-n, Brufen, Bruf.en Retard, Cu+profen., Fenbid+, Galprofe_n, Hedex Ibup-rofe*n, Ibufem, Lib'rofem, Mandafen',, Manorfen, Migraf*en, Nur-ofen, Obifen,' Relcofen_, pai-n) pherom.one cologne for ,men Sleep T.ea vibramyc_in verela+n Arj'una [arjuna] vas*ten Topr+ol XL (Lo_pressor, Sele*k+en, Seloke+en, Minax, Betal,oc, Corv.itol, toprol*, metoprol+ol) bay-tril Cozaar (Lo+sartan) *Lidocain*e (lignocaine,- lido-derm, lidoca-ine gel,+ topical lidoc,aine, S+olarcaine, lid.oca,in, lidocaine c-ream, Anest'acon, Bu*rnamy-cin, Burn-O-Jel,* Lida Mantle,- Lidoderm,_ LMX 4, LM.X 5, Senat.ec, T_opicaine, Xyl-oca,ine) Crysta*lluria exelon 'Ocula.r Hypertension Fem.ale Rx Plus- Oil [fem'al'erxplusoil] altaryl' *Addison's Di,sease VF, Ortho Tri-.Cyclen — Bir_th Control, C-ontraception,, Pre+gnancy adizem_ acombli'a glustin motin.or'm Luvox (Flu_voxamine, D'umirox,' Dumyrox, Fave,rin, Favoxil*, Fevari,n, Floxyfral+, Fl'uvohexal, Fl,uvoxin, Mov,ox, Voxam, Vox_amin, Vu.minix) My'osit_is Cialis So*ft Tabs (-Tadalafil*) actos hdl Ult,ram .[ultram] (Tram,adol, Adolan, ,Anadol, Co.ntr-amal, tramadal-, Dolol, Do_lzam, Drom-adol., Ixprim, R-alivia, Tra_madex, Tr'amal, Tridur*al, Zamad'ol, Zydol-, Zytrim, pain, ul'tracet) Li_docaine -(lignocaine*, lidod+erm, lidoc,aine g+el, topical lid_ocaine, Solar.cain.e, lidocain, -lidoca,ine cream,' Anestacon, Bur,namy,cin, Burn-O-Jel,+ Lida M*antle, Lidod'erm,, LMX 4, LM*X 5, Senate+c, Topicaine, .Xylocaine') opti_mycin Progra+f (Tacrolimus, .Advagr*af, Pro'topic) biotax Hyp'opla_stic Anemia Stro*ngyloidiasi,s Albenz-a (Albenda_zole,. Eskazole, Zen*tel, Helmidazo*le-, Alzental, +Alben, Albex,) zovirax A'yur Slim W'eig-ht Regulator (Weigh*t+ Loss, diet, diet, pills) Ac'cupril (qu-inapril,_ Accu,pro, Acuitel', Acupril, Asig, *Filp'ril) Herbolax -— Constip-ation, Laxa+tive, ,Herbal Lax*ative, A-yurveda My_soline (Primidon,e) *abixa mirtazon L'umigan+ [lumigan] (Bimat'o.prost) ceg*lution 300 urinar'y tract in+fection+s Bena_dryl [benadryl] (d_iph'enhydrami-ne, aler-cap, al_er-dryl, ,aler-t.ab, allermax, alta,ryl', anti-hist, b,anophen, _ben-tann, *compoz, _dermamycin, dip_hen, diph,enhist+, dytan, g,enahist, hi-staprin,_ hydramine, n.ytol, _siladryl, silphe_n, slee,pinal, so*minex, uni,som, twilite,, allerd-ryl, alle) v,alsartan Sp+oranox (I*tracon*azole, Sempera,+ Orunga*l, Itraco-n, Isox, Canditr,al, Can*distat) 'biaxin Hear,tz (S*mall Dogs) (H.eartgard Plus, ,Iv,ermectin, Pyr-antel Pamoate-) diaformin I'mpot_ence Endometr*itis P,rotektor Spra+y (Frontline-, fipronil)+ fever Pri_stiq (des*venlafa-xine) Q-uick-Detox — Deto.xificatio_n, Detoxi_fying, T_oxin Removal E. Effexo*r (Ve*nlafaxine, Efe-xor) Sto*p Smoking persa*ntine- Parkinson's .Disease Ortho+ Tri-C,yclen — Bi*rth Contr+ol, Contrace,ption, Pregn*ancy Har_idra Ze*lnorm [zeln.orm] (T'egaserod,- Zelmac) angina* oritaxim* flaved.on Posttrau-matic Stress Diso*rd'er Topamax — Ant'iconv*ulsant, Epilep'sy, -Seizures, Migrai'ne Sporanox ,(Itraco+nazole_, Sempera, Orung.al, Itra*con, Isox,' Candit*ral, Candistat) + somin-ex urinary bur'ning ate_real poldo,xin lipv-as Rogain+e — Hair L.oss, Hair R'egrowt+h, Androge'nic Alopec,ia, Baldness zy.trim Hemorrh,oids Ca*fergot Aloe' Vera N+oni Juic_e [aloenonijuic.e] empyem'a Zaditor- (ketotifen 'fumarate) Pain* ,IBS cuprofen D+ifferin (A-dapalene, A'dafer'in) tritace -Threadworm .zinnat .ridal Provera ('medroxypr,ogesterone, Cli'manor,' Alti-MPA, G,en-Medroxy-, No_vo-Medrone_, Clinofem,, Cycrin, Far,lutal, G_estaPolar, Ges,tapu*ran, Medroxin_e, Medr*oxyhexal, Me.prate, Pe_rlutex, Prodafe.m, Triclof*em, Verap*lex, Ralo'vera) +Lichen Pla+nus Atopex (cyclos_porin_, atopica', cyclosporine+, Ciclospor,in) Pa+nic Di,sorder weight .managemen't General H_ealth Female -Pink Viagra, — F,emale Enhancem,ent, Female .Libid,o, Decrease-d Libido astel'in' Heartgard +Chewable hiv *test ant,idep phe*romone perfum,e for wome_n rinolan .Blasto_mycosis Sy-nthroid (L,evothyroxine, Eltro_xin, Evo_trox, Thyrax., Eut'hyrox, Levaxi.n, L-*thyroxine, Thyro'x, .Eutirox, Le_voxyl, lev,othroid) Cancer- Kytril (g,ran+isetron) Col'd Sores c_ancer Laxa *Tea Liv.+52 Capsule+s — Liver Prote'cti-on Alert 'Caps (Sleep & Rela_xation .Aid) Spiri*va (Tiot-ropium,) Stiffness ,cystinuria sei.zures Viamax_ [viamax.] emthe_xate ph,eochromocytoma L-iv.52 Ca*psules omni,pen 'Depakote — Bipolar+ Di,sorder, Manic_ Episodes,, Mania, Depre'ssion, Migra_ine, Epi-lepsy,- Seizures Di'amox '(Acetazolamide) ' opt+icare ointmen-t Metroni'dazole Gel — Rosa-cea Migl,itol — Di-abetes, B'lood Sugar _Flagyl (Metro.nidazole.) Tizan_idine [tiza+nidine] (Za'naflex, Sirda,lud, pain', mu_scle relaxer', muscle rela*xant) Noc'turia pyran,tel pamoat*e sus_pension ibandro.nic 'acid negr*amm Torsem*ide (demadex) l-umigan, Duodenal Ulc_ers Arth_ritis Amant'adine (symmetrel., End.antadine, PMS-A,manta_dine, Ama+ntrel, P,K-Merz, Mantadan,- Mantad,ix) -deltastab Caverta, — ED +gefitinib ,co-amoxiclav

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